How Do Hand Models Care for Their Nails?

How Do Hand Models Care for Their Nails?

In an interview with Nina Taylor who is a hand model for Dior and Tiffany and Co., I was surprised to learn that she and other professional hand models opt for a DIY Manicure. Why, With so many posh and relaxing places to push back cuticles-  Would they make such decisions? Because leaving it up to destiny could be costly. A cut or a jagged cuticle could mean postponing the photo shoot or loosing the gig.

Keeping it simple but with consistency seems to be key with many hand models. Exfoliating is a must.  Product penetration is impossible with dead skin cells sticking to the surface of the skin . You can have the best moisturizer in the world but if you do not exfoliate, you are likely not to achieve your desired results for soft, smooth hands.

Maintaining your cuticles is also a big part of home manicures. If you do not have a cuticle scraper then use an orange wood stick as an alternative. The polish will last longer. 

With DIY Manicures on the rise, save your nail budget and splurge on nail art. 

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